
Motivational Series Part 1: 10 Things That Kill Motivation


Life is like a library owned by the author,
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him....
- Harry Emerson Fosdick

Nice qoutes kan kan?

I always dream to be trainer or motivator someday. For me making changes and differences in someone else live will give me more loves and spirit in don't ever giving up in live. Kadang kala kita rasa sangat letih nak melalui kehidupan yang mencabar mental dan fizikal kita setiap hari. Percaya tak kalau I kata kita lebih percaya dan melihat pandangan orang lain terhadap diri kita rather than kita melihat diri kita sendiri. Kita selalu risau apa orang lain akan kata kalau kita lakukan apa yang kita tahu bagus dan betul dalam hidup kan setuju tak? Contohnya macam it is not wrong for you to stand up in front of the crowd, be confidence and speak out! But most of us tend to have this in their mind:

"Ish tanaklah, malu lah, nanti apa orang lain kata lah, seganlah, mencapaplah"

Semua yang ada lah lah pulak tu?

Okay lah, kalau bukan YOU yang tolong diri YOU SENDIRI, then siapa lagi? Nak mak ayah tolong cakapkan bagi pihak you ke? nanti orang kata "anak manja". Nak kawan tolong cakapkan bagi you ke? Then bila masanya you all nak belajar berdikari dan bergantung kepada diri sendiri?

It's you yourself that makes all the differences.

Don't depends to other to change you.
You'll failed if you let others conquer you, your mind, your body and even your soul.

Agreed? YES INDEED! :D


1. No goals

Without goals, you really don’t need motivation. I mean, what in the world would you do with it? Run around in circles? Many people complain about not being motivated to do anything. The majority of the time, it’s because they don’t have any goals that excite them enough to do anything.

I have goals. You must have goals! Seriously! You know the best part of having goals is that when you think you going to give up, anda akan rasa seperti ada satu semangat yang hebat masuk ke dalam tubuh anda bila anda membuka atau membaca senarai2 goals yang anda tulis dan semadikan dalam diri anda. Tak percaya? TRY LAH!

2. Failure

This is a big one. When we set out to achieve something and things don’t go as planned, we feel this thing we called failure. It could specifically be feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, or overwhelm. Knowing what to do when this happens to get your motivation back is critical.

Failure is the most hated things people hate to have kan? Bila kita rasa macam dah gagal, semua benda yang kita buat semua jadi salah, kita akan rasa down je all the time, orang sekeliling kita semua adalah masalah bagi kita betul? Jadi apa lagi, bangkit! Jangan mengalah. You know, this too shall past.....

3. Negative people

One comment of discouragement is often enough to kill any motivation some people may have. People who constantly make negative comments directed towards you should be avoided if you want to maintain your motivation.

I cukup pantang bila ada orang yang bila kita ada determination dan keyakinan diri yang kuat untuk melakukan sesuatu, dia terus hentam dan spread all those negatives comment to us as if we will never ever succeed in our live. SO, SCREW YOU! Yes at times we may need all this negative people in order for us to gain courage and prove that you can do it, tapi tiap kali pun asyik nak condem kita je, semua salah tak pernah nak betul, ape lagi, LEAVE THEM! You don't deserve friend like them in your life.

4. Negative news

Bad news sells. If you focus too much on the bad things that are happening in this world, that may suck the motivation right out of you. No matter how good things are, the media will always have something bad to report. Try to focus on what’s good instead.

The good thing about reading newspaper is we gain knowledge, kita boleh improve English or what-so-ever but you know newspaper selalu aje keluarkan kisah2 negative seperti peperangan, pergadohan, perbalahan, rogol sana sini, bunuh dengan kejam. You know these are all NEGATIVE NEWS. Try to avoid reading them and thinking so deeply about it as it will bring harm to your mind and attract more negative circumstances in your daily life. Ok?

5. Low energy

Being fit plays a big role in your motivation. When you barely have enough energy to move around and do stuff, your motivation will suffer greatly. A good diet and exercise regimen will help with that.

Kita rasa tak bermotivasi nak melakukan sesuatu ialah apabila kita kekurangan tenaga untuk even memikirkan tentang solution bagi masalah2 kita. At this point nothing else you can do beside taking a GOOD REST, go vacation, go to spa to release your mind or even do hobbies that you generally love to do such as shooping for the girl, as for the guys, try futsal, we know you love football don't you?

6. Distractions

Distractions can come from anywhere. These are things that tend to throw our focus off course. If you stay off course for too long, your motivation will deteriorate.

Gangguan boleh berlaku di mana sahaja. Ini adalah masa untuk kita uji tahap kehebatan diri kita melawan gangguan2 yang datang mengganggu kita especially yang negative ones. But ingatlah, once again, it's YOU YOURSELF that choose the path in your life. So make a good decision! :)

7. Not taking action

When you don’t take action towards your goals, your motivation will die off fast. Often times, people will sets a goal, make all these plans, and then wait for the right time to start. Times like the first of the month, after the holidays, New Years, when summer starts, etc. Once you have a goal, you must take action right away, even if it’s on a Tuesday.

Ceh konon2 dah ada goals, dah nampak dah tujuan dan arah hidup tapi duk diam je kat situ, orang tanya bila nak start, bagi alasan alah nantilah, bulan depan lah, tahun depan lah, dah tu bila nak berjayanya? START NOW BEB! Nanti orang lain rampas your opportunities to shine kan dah menyesal?

8. Lack of belief in yourself

You could be inspired and motivated by a book you read or a movie you see to go out there and make your dreams a reality, but if you don’t believe you can pull it off, you will eventually stop. You must truly believe you can achieve your goals, otherwise, you’ll soon start doubting yourself and when you do, kiss your motivation good-bye.

Ini paling bahaya. Kalau tak percaya pada diri sendiri, macam mana nak berjaya kan?percayalah, hanya anda sahaja yang boleh percaya dan yakin pada diri anda sendiri anda boleh lakukan! Orang lain hanyalah sebagai tambahan sahaja. Jangan harapkan orang lain untuk percaya kepada kemampuan diri anda kalau anda sendiri tak percaya bahawa anda boleh lakukannya. Tak gitu?

9. Boredom

There will be goals that require you to take repetitive actions that may slowly kill off your motivation. If you find running to be extremely uninteresting to you and your goal is to lose weight, that’s a formula for failure. Change up your strategy if necessary and where possible, hire someone else to do certain mundane tasks for you.

Bila bosan, semua benda dah tak jalan kan? Pastu give up. Goals2 yang korang buat tu boleh selit kat tepi pintu, boleh jadikan paper toilet kan sebab 'AKU DAH BOSAN!' Bila ini sudah sampai, nothing else you can do besides find COURAGE, ENTHUSIASM & DETERMINATION to move on lah wei! Don't GIVE UP!

10. Lack of support

Often when we feel like no one is behind us, during the tough times, our motivation will fade. Having people who will encourage you is a great motivation booster. They can also help increase your belief in yourself.

Seek help. Yes it's you yourself that can make the differences but but but you also need support ma! Adoyai, jangan lah hidup nak sorang2 je dalam dunia ni. Nanti mati kering dalam rumah pun takde siapa tahu sebab takde siapa nak peduli. Betul tak?

By becoming aware of these 10 things that kill motivation, you can better prepare yourself to deal with these ahead of time, or when they occur, in order to keep your motivation alive. Being able to keep your motivation up will eventually lead to achieving your goals.

So why wait? CHANGE whatever you can change in yourself. :) Me too need to change my negative habits to positive ones (although I know it wasn't that easy but it won't kills you to try right?)

So why wait? Motivate yourself:

I Love Myself 
I am Proud To Be Myself,
Did you?


j0j0_bdiN@ said...

Kagum dengan ko sebab ko ada konfiden level yang tinggi.

Macam aku, aku rasa konfiden level untuk diri aku sendiri sangat low.
Aku rasa macam aku ni tak cantik dan gemuk then aku tak konfiden untuk tambah kawan.

Dalam hidup plak, aku kurang motivasi. gOAL ada tapi hidup macam tak semangat jek. Buat keje cam lemah jek...